Western Australian Tournaments

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2024 BAWA Masters in Teams of 3 (June 2024)
Results after 6 of 6 matches
Place CatTeam (click here to show names) Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 TAD BIEGANSKI (6)83 87.966-0-04.78
2 DALY (2)65 81.845-0-13.54
3 ZHAO (8)47 76.585-0-12.87
4 HOLLOWAY (1)30 69.964-0-22.07
5 THERESE GARBUTT (5)40 69.473-0-31.56
6 PACKER (4)23 68.034-0-21.63
7 HARROP (9)30 67.923-0-31.28
8 MITCH GARBUTT (7)45 67.423-1-21.32
9 N WILSON (12)34 66.723-0-30.72
10 STEER (3)25 65.453-0-30.72
11 N BURN (14)35 65.203-0-30.72
12 BAILEY (11)2 61.924-0-20.96
13 N WICHEMS (13)-25 61.144-0-20.96
14 BEATA BIEGANSKI (10)10 61.012-1-30.60
15 N PRINCE (18)-7 58.453-0-30.72
16 N DUTTON (16)-9 56.842-0-40.48
17 N JENKINS (20)-29 51.922-1-30.60
18 N COWELL (17)-52 48.132-1-30.60
19 N MERVEN (21)-68 42.722-0-40.48
20 N COLLINS (22)-53 41.320-1-50.12
21 N MULLEY (15)-74 39.582-0-40.48
22 N BRAYSHAW (23)-78 34.920-2-40.24
23 N ZOTTI (19)-73 34.530-1-50.12
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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