Western Australian Tournaments

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Pair 84 - Sue Thomas / DE'ARN ALEXANDER
Place this match: 89
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score   Datum  Net  Imps   
Board 185: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND4S NAH9-50-300-350-8  
Board 285: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND4H W2D11-450470201  
Board 385: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND4H NQD13510-1260-750-13  
Board 485: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND4S NJH11650-4402105  
Board 585: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND3C S9D13190-530-340-8  
Board 685: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND3D W5H10-130-150-280-7  
Board 785: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND5C N9H13640-1160-520-11  
Board 885: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND5H S7H11450-45000  
Board 985: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND3D SAS10130-260-130-4  
Board 1085: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND4S EQD11-650570-80-2  
Board 1185: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND4H W8C11-45070-380-9  
Board 1285: SHEILA BISHOP / FRANCES HAMMOND3NT E2H11-460450-100  

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