Western Australian Tournaments

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Pair 60 - Rez Karim / HASAN HAZRA
Place this match: 34
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score   Datum  Net  Imps   
Board 19: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER6H NAD11502703208  
Board 29: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER2H N2C9-14020-120-3  
Board 39: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER4S EQD13710-680301  
Board 49: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER3NT E5C9600-630-30-1  
Board 59: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER2S S2D10-170130-40-1  
Board 69: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER2NT W3S8120-110100  
Board 79: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER6H W3D11-100-400-500-11  
Board 89: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER3NT NJS9-40040-360-8  
Board 99: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER3NT SKC9-400270-130-4  
Board 109: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER6C NQH111003004009  
Board 119: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER3NT EKC9400-1402606  
Board 129: DEANA WILSON / RON COOPER4SX W7C10590-2203709  

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